Color Contrast Checker

Color Contrast Checker

A color contrast checker is a tool that helps designers and developers check the contrast between two colors. The contrast between two colors is important for accessibility and readability, particularly for users with visual impairments.

Color contrast checkers work by analyzing the color values of the foreground and background colors and calculating the contrast ratio. They can also provide recommendations for adjusting the color values to meet the desired contrast ratio.


An evaluation ratio of a minimum of 4:1 is usually considered to be the minimal assessment ratio for text and snapshots. at the same time as a contrast ratio of a minimum of 7:1


Many color contrast checkers are available online and as browser extensions, and some design software also include built-in color contrast checking features. Some color contrast checkers also include features such as simulating different types of color blindness to help designers test the accessibility of their designs for users with color vision deficiencies.

HEX format

Enter your colors in HEX format or click on the icon to use the color picker.  We use Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to calculate the color contrast ratio.

To use a color contrast checker, you typically need to enter the HEX values of the foreground and background colors into the tool or select the colors using a color picker. The contrast checker will display the contrast ratio value and indicate whether it meets the minimum requirements for accessibility.


The contrast checker will display the contrast ratio value and indicate whether it meets the minimum requirements for accessibility. If the contrast ratio does not meet the minimum requirements, the designer or developer may need to adjust the color values to ensure that the text is legible and accessible to all users.

Enter your colors in HEX format or click on the icon to use the color picker.  Color Contrast Checker