how to rotate pdf

PDF Rotation Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide to Rotating Your PDF Files In today's era where videos are the primary medium, PDFs have managed to dominate document sharing and storage; but they often leave many in a sticky situation when sent upside down as a rotation would be required for those. Have you attempted to open a PDF only to find out that every single page has been turned sideways or upside down? Quite an annoyance isn’t it? Thankfully, the process of rotating a PDF is simple and does not require any special software whether you solely using your or tablet. To ensure our documents are always in ready, this article discusses techniques…

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how to compress pdf

Importance of compressing PDF files 5 Ways To Reduce Your PDF Size Without Compromising Its Quality The idea of sending any document electronically has picked great momentum these days. Be it sending an assignment to your teacher or sending a business proposal with the primary goal of enabling collaboration between parties, it’s easier to do so with a PDF - mostly because it doesn’t “garble” when it’s opened on any device. So, unless time isn’t of the essence sending large files via email or uploading them to websites isn’t the best of practices. This makes exploring ways to shrink files that retain their quality of utmost importance, so users can send documents and…

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Blend Create and customize beautiful CSS3 gradients.

 Blend Tool from Allows You to Easily Generate and Modify Elegant CSS3 Gradients As a web professional, it’s undeniable that CSS3 linear and radial gradients has become an essential tool in web designing. These CSS3 gradients give the designers the flexibility of designing a website with smooth color transition without an image. From web developers, designers, or just someone interested in making their website a bit more aesthetically pleasing, the Blend Tool from makes for creating and modifying beautiful CSS3 gradients an absolute breeze. In the article below, we would go over how to create beautiful gradients using the Blend Tool and incorporate it into your website or project. This…

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Crop a circle in image online – free tool

Make a Circular Cut in a Picture Using a Free Tool by Without Registering, Cut Out the Circles in Photos with Ease. One of the things that is often done when editing an image is cropping to make a photo look better than it originally does but what about if you are trying to make a more precise shape such as circular. If you are designing a profile picture for your social media account, want to design a circular logo, or are experimenting with photo effects, then you will definitely need a tool that efficiently enables you to crop circles from images. In order to serve that purpose has been offering…

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